Semi-Fictional Character of the Day #day10

February 26, 2014

‘The Semi-Fictional Character of the Day’ is a joint, one-month project by Louiza Mallouri and Constantinos Xenofontos. Constantinos will be sketching a semi-fictional figure every day, and Louiza will be writing an accompanying storyline, as inspired by that character. The aim of this project is to explore the way two semiotic systems, the visual and the linguistic, interact and complement each other to tell a story.

semi-fictional character day10

The talk is amazing. She is always amazing: in every book, every publication, every interview… In a league of her own. The auditorium is crammed, people sit on folding chairs, others stand in the back row and I  sit on the steps to get a chance to see her. I can’t help but laugh at myself: a young scientist, crazily infatuated with this leader in the field and who is, by the way, married. Happily, I hear. Questions time! 15 minutes. As she nails every question, I try hard to think of something to ask, just to get her to look at me for a few seconds.’And our last question?’ the facilitator asks. Still can’t think of anything, but I somehow raised my hand. All eyes on me, but all I want to know is how she has her coffee, and where she wants to travel next and what books are on her nightstand. ‘May we have the question, please?’ the facilitator asks. I stammer, ‘That was a great talk. Thank you.’


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