Semi-Fictional Character of the Day #day21

March 9, 2014

‘The Semi-Fictional Character of the Day’ is a joint, one-month project by Louiza Mallouri and Constantinos Xenofontos. Constantinos will be sketching a semi-fictional figure every day, and Louiza will be writing an accompanying storyline, as inspired by that character. The aim of this project is to explore the way two semiotic systems, the visual and the linguistic, interact and complement each other to tell a story.

semi-fictional character21

An unexpected message had waited on his voicemail. Back in the glory days he would get death threats on a regular basis. In fact, he would eagerly anticipate them daily and wear them like a badge of honour. He was on fire during those days: always suited up and equipped with skepticism and curiosity, he would leave the office and wouldn’t return without a front-page worthy story. Back then, he would write about things that mattered, running exposés which brought down politicians and called out profiteering companies. He wondered what reason anyone had to threaten him now.


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